Collected Character Prompts: June 2023 (Pride Month)
Every Wednesday I post a character writing prompt on Instagram @aurora_a_hurd . Here are June's prompts, which are themed for LGBTQIA+ Pride Month! Promot 36: For speculative fiction writers: What would it look like for you to write a queer-normative world or society? Does that change how you write your characters? For fiction writers: What time is your story set in? How do your characters' identities shape their experience? Prompt 37: Think of a role or character archetype you have never seen a character who is LGBTQIA+ fill and rectify that. Prompt 38: How do your characters define family? How many different types of families does your world/story show? Are there ways to expand that? Prompt 39: A character's joy is as, if not more, impactful than their sorrow. What are the things that bring the most joy to your character?